The ebike loan is funded by Transport Scotland and can help you purchase a new electric bike, family cargo or ecargo bike, or adaptive bike.
The popularity of pedal assisted electric bikes or ebikes for short, has been growing year on year. They are a good alternative to a normal bike especially if your route includes hills, is more than 5 miles long or if you need an extra boost on the road.
If you are considering purchasing an ebike there is an exciting funding opportunity available in Scotland through Energy Saving Trust. We offer an interest-free loan to buy an ebike. This scheme is funded by Transport Scotland (an agency of the Scottish Government).
The ebike loan is for up to £6,000 with a repayment period of 4 years and covers the following (per household):
2 x ebikes capped at £3,000 each
1 x family cargo or ecargo bike capped at £6,000
1 x adaptive bike or ebike